Reach Out to Animals

"A dog comes to you & lives with you in your home, but you don't therefore own her, as you do not own the rain, or the trees, or the laws which pertain them." Mary Oliver

Reach Out to Animals

The intuitive energetic heart is what people have associated with their inner voice throughout history. Access to our heart intuitive varies between people and as a small girl it simply just felt right to be part of nature.

My mother was a collector of animals, different birds, cats, dogs, fish, horses and many more, my interest started early as part of my childhood routine would be to help care for these beautiful souls and I truly felt my heart went out to each and every one of them.

Since then I have enjoyed a life of caring for both people and animals.

I am an English based professional animal communicator who has had years of practical hands on experience with domestic animals. I started Rutland Paws in 2009 and I guess an insight gradually started to build on how people consciously see animals. With this new concept in mind and through observation on a daily basis, a fair attitude, connection and a great dose of respect I began to realise that animals truly can communicate with us and it's really very simple if we learn to listen.

Training to become an animal communication practitioner with James French allowed me to validate this birth right. It was wonderful to spend time with people with similar view points, share our awareness, build confidence, refine our skills with as much certainty and accuracy as possible. We took this feeling way of being into an awareness that can be applied very easily to all areas of life.

My journey for personal growth has always been the root of this unfolding discovery turning mind matters into consciousness and accessing others with an authentic connection. We rely largely on our minds to steer us through life, forgetting perhaps that the mind alone is not a very warm place to be. Yet it is from the coldness of pure intellect that we try work out problems with ourselves and the animals we love.

Esoteric by nature, I enjoy sharing this feeling state and using heart language, we have stepped too far from this authentic primitive art often rejecting our essential nature, feelings are natural the key isn't to stop feeling, it's to start.

Although I have a special interest in confidence issues in horses I communicate with all species great and small. Over the years I have come to realise that the time that leads to fellowship between men, horses, dogs, cats and all species who we come to share conscious time with, we can create harmony and wellbeing far deeper then we can imagine and with great opportunity for growth.

One of my passions is to gently guide people and their pets on this journey. My purpose is to raise awareness, expand on relationships among humans and the nature of animals which in turn can help put light on particular misunderstandings.

Reach Out to Animals

What is my Goal?

I truly believe there is no such thing as a bad animal and we should attempt to shift our focus from negative behaviour and pain caused by life challenges and rise to the wisdom and growth animals offer us.