Nature tells a story

When I'm in a natural environment in nature with plants, trees and free roaming animals, it's always in a very loving basis. Therefore I find that this appreciation of the environment draws me (you either feel it or you don't) or feeds me something I can't quiet understand and haven't before now understood.

Nature tells a story

We impact everything around us even though we don't realise it. Life, nature will be whatever you think, believe or say it is in any given moment, because you are having an individual experience from your sense of personhood. The more we can drop our personal sense of self and tune into our primal self, the more life will flow in harmony and the more our joy flows. Just recently, I've been getting the sense that this drawing I have towards the great outdoor is of a mutual benefit to other energy fields around.

I try to be in an Unconditional state,unconditional means with NO conditions attached whatsoever.

If I can remain empty and unconditional, true love & beauty reveals itself in all, including myself.

Nature energizes

We create our own filters according to how we see the world. Emotions and feelings are perceived differently by each of us, therefore we really do impact others around us according to how identified we are to our memories, thoughts and present emotions.

Sadness can come for different reasons for each of us, hate, anger, fear, love and joy, so letting go of our thoughts and ideas for a while allows nature to help rebalance our energetic body organically.

If we can't let go, one thing I'm beginning to "know", is that nature energizes and I think it's designed to. I know animals, plants, trees, rivers and rocks thrive from energized connection we share with the field strengths around us, hence magically natures organisational skills, if allowed, does have a reset button, the meaningful message of uncovering what "I AM" right now can & does come in time.

Nature, your true nature, is addictive, it truly is and you are designed to unfold in your own good time.

I have found letting go and allowing the fields of nature to ease me to guide me into filtering out unnecessary outside distractions of thought leads to pure joy. This addiction to my true self leads to wise life choices, loving connections and appreciation for others and an enriched sense of being that filters from the heart.

The Soul

All of creation, all creatures, plants and rocks have a soul and the soul is a field, it's part of the larger principal field from which our physical bodies are made from and it is the intention of that soul that brought us here at this time on earth.

Emotion is the communication line we share with nature, so by letting go of personal meaning and the constant referencing through our senses and thoughts we allow the natural energies of our souls to tune into the world around us, mutually benefiting all on different levels and scales of existence.

Nature tells a story

Having a basic understanding for the foundations of self realization helps us to make changes for a happier environment and planet. A sense of empowerment or self actualization begins to blossom and we begin to become intuitive and creative, eventually helping us to follow our calling, leading to fulfilment and our life meaning.

We also:
- Start to not take life so seriously, rarely feel insulted.
- Start being aware and noticing our energetic impact on other beings around us.
- Notice what are we doing to all other beings around us.
- Allows us to realise we each give and receive energy fields continuously.

We impact everything around us

Every animal, creature, person or plant that comes close to you, feels your energy, even when you don't realise it.

We are mainly governed by subconscious, unconscious behaviour patterns, hard wired habits and thoughts, so it's a bit of a revelation to start noticing aspects of our life or thoughts that trigger reactions within our emotional bodies. It's helpful to unearth our personal ridged viewpoints and shadows and great progress can be made when we ease from thought and concepts, especially when they impact on others and especially when we're prone to cling too tightly.

When we ask the question of who we are and begin to realise this truth, we naturally give others the freedom to find a position which suits them, we no longer need to control.

However, changing quality and content of thought isn't what I'm referring to, it's the realisation that your essential being, soul or higher self is always there regardless to any thoughts obscuring this sense, regardless to positive or negative thoughts.

What are we doing to others around us?

I'm just saying " Tune in". We're vibrational beings, most vibrant when we radiate from our core.

Nature tells a story

Enlightenment is kinder to all others

Enlightenment is simply an uncovering of our primal force, essential being or core, spirit, soul, some may call it god. It may at times feel like a journey of seeking to find it, but it's the underlying joy that reveals itself beyond any conditions, emotions, beliefs, concepts and thoughts, enlightenment is here now, waiting to be uncovered in every moment.

The denser our emotion, the less coherent we are and the more of an illusion, or distortion arises in our experience, we simply need to lighten-up and at least ease the mind.

Nature thrives in our knowing of self

When we spend time in an outdoor environment alone we naturally let our guard down. We no longer need to conduct from society's hand book or patterns derived from a unrealised relationship agreement of not triggering somebody else's lack belief, we can simply just flow with no entanglement.

So, go sit in a pine forest, walk in silence with innocent wonderment, be in empty awe, be open and know from your very own self, how much of a part you really play, without needing to ever do anything!

You are creation itself and you are the one telling the story.